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Chapter 8 Solutions Fluency With Information Technology 4th Edition

Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition Chapter 8 The Impact of Information Technology on

Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition Chapter 8 The Impact of Information Technology on Productivity and Quality of Life

Objectives • As you read this chapter, consider the following questions: – What impact

Objectives • As you read this chapter, consider the following questions: – What impact has IT had on the standard of living and worker productivity? – What is being done to reduce the negative influence of the digital divide? – What impact can IT have on improving the quality of healthcare and reducing its costs? Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 2

Objectives (cont'd. ) • What ethical issues are raised because some entities can afford

Objectives (cont'd. ) • What ethical issues are raised because some entities can afford to make significant investments in IT while others cannot and thus are blocked in their efforts to raise productivity and quality? Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 3

The Impact of IT on the Standard of Living and Worker Productivity • Gross

The Impact of IT on the Standard of Living and Worker Productivity • Gross domestic product (GDP) – Measurement of the material standard of living – Equals total annual output of a nation's economy • Standard of living in U. S. and developed countries – Has improved for a long time – Rate of change varies as a result of business cycles • Productivity – Amount of output produced per unit of input – Measured in many different ways Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 4

The Impact of IT on the Standard of Living and Worker Productivity (cont'd. )

The Impact of IT on the Standard of Living and Worker Productivity (cont'd. ) • United States – Labor productivity growth 2% annually – Living standards have doubled about every 36 years – Modern management techniques and automated technology increase productivity • Innovation – Key factor in productivity improvement – IT has an important role Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 5

IT Investment and Productivity • Relationship between IT investment and productivity growth is complex

IT Investment and Productivity • Relationship between IT investment and productivity growth is complex – Rate of productivity from 1995 to 2005 is only slightly higher than the long-term U. S. rate – Possible lag time between: • Application of innovative IT solutions • Capture of significant productivity gains • Other factors besides IT influence worker productivity rates • Difficult to quantify how much the use of IT has contributed to worker productivity Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 6

IT Investment and Productivity (cont'd. ) • Factors that affect national productivity rates –

IT Investment and Productivity (cont'd. ) • Factors that affect national productivity rates – – – Business cycles of expansion and contraction Outsourcing to contractors can skew productivity Regulations make it easier to hire and fire workers More competitive markets for goods and services Difficult to measure output of some services IT investments don't always yield tangible results Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 7

IT Investment and Productivity (cont'd. ) Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 8

IT Investment and Productivity (cont'd. ) Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 8

IT Investment and Productivity (cont'd. ) • Telework/Telecommuting – – – – Employee works

IT Investment and Productivity (cont'd. ) • Telework/Telecommuting – – – – Employee works away from the office Advances in technology enable communications Highly skilled workers demand more flexibility Laws passed to encourage telework Organizations must prepare guidelines and policies Some positions are not suited to telework Some individuals are not suited to be teleworkers Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 9

Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 10

Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 10

IT Investment and Productivity (cont'd. ) Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 11

IT Investment and Productivity (cont'd. ) Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 11

The Digital Divide • Standard of living – Level of material comfort measured by

The Digital Divide • Standard of living – Level of material comfort measured by the goods, services, and luxuries available • Digital divide – Gulf between those who do/don't have access to: • Cell phones • Personal computers • The Internet – Gulf among age groups, economic classes, and cities/rural areas Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 12

The Digital Divide (cont'd. ) • Digital divide must be bridged to improve resolution

The Digital Divide (cont'd. ) • Digital divide must be bridged to improve resolution of: – Health emergencies – Crime emergencies – Other emergencies • Access to IT and communications technology: – Enhances learning – Provides educational and economic opportunities – Influences cultural, social, and political conditions Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 13

The Digital Divide (cont'd. ) • Education Rate (E-Rate) program – Created by the

The Digital Divide (cont'd. ) • Education Rate (E-Rate) program – Created by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 – Goal to help schools and libraries obtain: • Access to state-of-the-art services and technologies • Discounted rates – Supported with up to $2. 25 billion per year from fees charged to telephone customers – Administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) – Has not gone well but continues today Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 14

The Digital Divide (cont'd. ) • Low-cost computers for developing countries – One Laptop

The Digital Divide (cont'd. ) • Low-cost computers for developing countries – One Laptop per Child (OLPC) • Provides low-cost laptop computers for education – Classmate PC from Intel – Eee notebook from Asus • Mobile phone – Tool to bridge the digital divide – Costs less than PC and more broadly available Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 15

The Impact of IT on Healthcare Costs • Rapidly rising cost of healthcare is

The Impact of IT on Healthcare Costs • Rapidly rising cost of healthcare is major challenge – Spending increasing at 6. 3% per year – Grow from $2. 6 trillion to $4. 6 trillion by 2019 • Increase (above inflation) due to new medical technology – Diagnostic procedures and treatments – Patients sometimes overuse medical resources • Patient awareness must be raised • Technology costs must be managed • Improved use of IT can lead to cost reductions Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 16

Electronic Health Records • Electronic health record (EHR) – Computer readable record of health-related

Electronic Health Records • Electronic health record (EHR) – Computer readable record of health-related information on an individual: patient demographics, medical history, family history, immunization records, lab data, health problems, progress notes, medications, vital signs, and radiology reports – Summary of health information generated by each patient encounter in any healthcare delivery setting – Effective use of EHR improves patient care and reduces costs Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 17

Electronic Health Records (cont'd. ) • Lack of patient data transparency results in: –

Electronic Health Records (cont'd. ) • Lack of patient data transparency results in: – – Diagnostic and medication errors Ordering of duplicate tests Compromise of patient safety At least 98, 000 people die in hospitals each year due to preventable medical mistakes Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 18

Electronic Health Records (cont'd) • Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act

Electronic Health Records (cont'd) • Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) – Requires government to develop standards for nationwide exchange and use of health information – Provides $20 billion in incentives – Saves $10 billion through improvements in quality of care – Strengthens protection of identifiable health information Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 19

Use of Mobile and Wireless Technology in the Healthcare Industry • Healthcare industry is

Use of Mobile and Wireless Technology in the Healthcare Industry • Healthcare industry is a leader in adopting mobile and wireless technology – Means to access/update EHR at bedsides – Scan barcodes to match patient with medications – Communicate with healthcare employees Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 20

Telemedicine • Employs modern telecommunications and information technologies • Provides medical care to people

Telemedicine • Employs modern telecommunications and information technologies • Provides medical care to people who live far away from healthcare providers • Store-and-forward telemedicine – Acquires data, sound, images, and video from patient and transmits to medical specialist for evaluation at a later time – Does not require presence of patient Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 21

Telemedicine (cont'd. ) • Live telemedicine – Requires the presence of patient and healthcare

Telemedicine (cont'd. ) • Live telemedicine – Requires the presence of patient and healthcare provider at the same time – Involves a video conference link between the two sites Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 22

Telemedicine (cont'd. ) • Use of telemedicine raises new ethical issues: – Must physicians

Telemedicine (cont'd. ) • Use of telemedicine raises new ethical issues: – Must physicians providing advice to patients at remote location be licensed at that location? – Must healthcare system be required to possess a license from a state in which it has a virtual facility? – Must minimum set of technology standards be met? – What sort of system certification and verification is necessary? – Does patient involvement with remote doctors have negative impact on the local doctor's relationship? Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 23

Medical Information Web Sites for Laypeople • People need reliable information on a wide

Medical Information Web Sites for Laypeople • People need reliable information on a wide range of medical topics to: – Learn more about healthcare services – Take more responsibility for their health • Web sites are not substitutes for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment • Some healthcare providers and employers offer online tools that go beyond basic health information Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 24

Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 25

Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 25

Summary • Gross national product (GNP) measures material standard of living • Progressive management

Summary • Gross national product (GNP) measures material standard of living • Progressive management uses IT to innovate products, processes, and services • Telework opportunities can be used to: – – Reduce costs Increase productivity Reduce organization's carbon footprint Prepare for potential local or widespread disasters Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 26

Summary (cont'd. ) • The digital divide exists: – Between more and less developed

Summary (cont'd. ) • The digital divide exists: – Between more and less developed countries – Within countries, among: • Age groups • Economic classes • People who live in cities versus those in rural areas • New information technologies can be used with little capital cost to reduce the digital divide Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 27

Summary (cont'd. ) • Healthcare costs are soaring out of control – 6. 3%

Summary (cont'd. ) • Healthcare costs are soaring out of control – 6. 3% annual growth rate – Will reach $4. 6 trillion by 2019 • Improved use of IT in the healthcare industry can lead to significantly reduced costs – Electronic health records (EHRs) – Telemedicine – Web-based health information Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition 28

Chapter 8 Solutions Fluency With Information Technology 4th Edition
