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What Is Non Vegetarian Diet

Diet chart and tips for non-vegetarians

An individual s diet can be dictated by his religion, personal choice or by his health. While you may find several Indians who are vegetarians, there is a fair share of meat eaters as well. However, eating non-veg needs to be monitored if you wish to stay healthy. Here are a few non-vegetarian diet tips that would be wise to follow.

How much protein should one consume in a day?

When it comes to protein, non-vegetarians have loads of options such as meat, eggs, fish and dairy products. But it is also important for one to know the right quantity of protein that should typically be consumed in a day. DieticianPrema Kodical says that on an average one should consume 1.0g protein per kg of your body weight. For someone who is into weight training, the protein consumption varies according to the workout intensity. It can vary from 1.5g to 2.5g lean body mass.

What are the best ways to eat meat?

The best ways to eat meat are to cook it in the healthiest possible methods. Meats contain saturated fats which can thicken the blood and clog blood vessels. One should therefore be careful in their cooking methods so as to not add more damaging fat to it. According to Prema ,'Meat should ideally be grilled, barbecued, boiled, baked or roasted in a very small amount of healthy oil.'

Who should avoid eating meat?

People suffering from health issues like diabetes, blood pressure and obesity should avoid red meat as that can affect the body by causing blockages due to their high saturated fat content. People suffering from such health conditions also need to opt for low-fat milk and milk products as dairy products contain high saturated fats as well. For a person suffering from high blood pressure, fish can be a good option. It is rich in magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids which helps in lowering blood pressure.

How can veggies be incorporated in a non-vegetarian diet?

Nutritionist Neha Chandna says that it s always good to add fibre-rich veggies to non-veg foods to reduce the acidic effects of meat on blood. The enzymes present in vegetables also help digest the meat better. It is recommended to eat plenty of salads, stir-fried or baked vegetables. One can also add vegetables to soups and broths. Make curries with meat and veggies or have a portion of salad along with your mains.

Diet Dos and Don'ts for a non-vegetarians by Prema Kodical

- Eat red meat in moderation, maybe once a fortnight especially if you are health conscious, have coronary artery disease or any heart health issues like high cholesterol, are watching your weight or are not into heavy exercising.

- If you are an adult and leading a very sedentary life, restrict your egg intake to only one or two full eggs in the week. Stick to egg whites otherwise.

- Opt for more fish and white meat like chicken or turkey. But make sure you eat the lean cuts of meat. Also, trim off all the visible fat. In addition, use healthy cooking methods. Avoid deep frying them.

- Boiling or poaching eggs and fish is better than frying them. Frying destroys some of their proteins and also makes them more difficult to digest.

- Drink plenty of water as proteins are thermogenic foods that release heat and are tougher to digest.

- Avoid eating fruits with any meat as it gets fermented and can cause bloating and indigestion.

- Do not have meat if your uric acid levels are high.

Dietician Neha Chandna s sample non-vegetarian diet chart

  • Breakfast: Toast + 3 egg whites + 1 yolk with veggies
  • Mid morning: Fruits + Nuts
  • Lunch: Salad + Roti/Rice+ Sabji + Chicken (gravy/dry)
  • Evening: Sprouts/Chicken salad/Chicken roti roll
  • Dinner: Soup + Salad + Fish Chicken( grilled/baked/steamed)

You may also like to read - the healthiest non vegetarian food-guide:


Image source: Getty images

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What Is Non Vegetarian Diet
